Do you have a story to share?

Do you live in Vermont? Did your parents or grandparents survive the Holocaust?
How will YOU honor them?
How will YOU choose to remember?

We are here to tell our stories. To share them. To honor our family histories.
To celebrate that we exist only because those who came before us survived.

Our hope is to expand and archive our current collection of stories as a means to educate others.
These were real people. They lived and loved.
What happened should NEVER happen AGAIN.

We've made it easy for you to share.

For a minimum donation of $180 - we will create a page on this site to honor your family story.

Donate now


1. Fill out this form to connect with us.

2. You will receive a short questionnaire to get you started. 

3. After sending us your narrative, in both words and images, our team will design and submit your unique page for approval.

4. Upon final approval, you will be provided a link  to share with friends and family.