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Did you know that it is not required for schools in Vermont to teach about the Holocaust!? Two draft Holocaust education bills have been introduced in the 2023 Vermont legislative session. Vermont House bill H.294 and Senate bill S.87 are entitled “An act relating to Holocaust education in public schools.” Please reach out to your local Vermont senators and representatives to urge them to support this timely, invaluable legislation. And, sign the student-led petition linked here:

Help make Holocaust education a requirement in Vermont schools!

The Vermont Holocaust Memorial stands with the Israeli people, praying that peace will come soon.

We remain heartbroken over the gruesome massacre that has taken place in Israel. These horrific events are deliberate acts of pure hate. The attacks not only inflict enormous pain and suffering but arouse echoes of the past. As an organization whose mission is committed to Holocaust education, we recognize this as the most heinous assault against the Jewish people since the Holocaust. Knowledge and learning are key to understanding history.

Now more than ever we all must appreciate how important education is. Please stay vigilant and speak out against hatred, prejudice, and apathy.

The Vermont Holocaust Memorial (VTHM) is a virtual educational organization — not a brick and mortar museum. Our speakers visit schools and communities throughout the state. We provide educational resources including: Teacher training, speaker events, and access to programs, projects, and exhibits that engage and educate.


The last of the Holocaust survivors are aging. Some have lost memory. Many have died.
We believe their stories need to be shared.

We believe that within those stories, there are important and necessary lessons to be learned.
We believe those lives lost deserve to be remembered...honored...and preserved.

And You Shall Tell Your Children.jpg

We believe in humankind.
We are all the same.
We bleed when we're cut. We cry when our hearts are broken.
We laugh. We ache. We live. We love.
These weren't just Jewish lives.
These were individual people. Like me. Like you.
Whose liberties were taken away. Whose lives were changed forever. Whose legacy we honor today.

VTHM encourages Vermont Holocaust survivors and their descendants to share their family's stories and join our educational efforts. Please contact us at for details on how you can be a part of our mission.

Unfortunately we cannot accept Holocaust related artifacts. Please contact the institutions listed on our Educational Resources page.
